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Frequently Asked Questions


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About NDPTC Courses

What kinds of courses are offered?

NDPTC develops and delivers FEMA-certified training courses. The overall focus is on disaster preparedness, response, and recovery, with a specific focus on natural hazards, coastal communities, and the special needs and opportunities of islands and territories.

Are all courses structured the same way?

All FEMA-certified courses are structured similarly and Participants must:

  • Register for a course online
  • Take an online Pre-Test
  • Download Course Materials
  • Attend Class
  • Take a Post-Test
  • Submit a Course Evaluation
  • Receive a Certificate of Completion

Training Requests & Eligibility

How do I request training be delivered at my location?

To schedule a training NDPTC requests that the hosting agency (agency requesting the course) provide a location for the course delivery, assist with filling the course delivery to meet our 25 participant minimum and to assist with the outreach of the course.

  • Allow at least 6 weeks for coordination of a course delivery. We are, in most cases, unable to accommodate requests that are within six weeks of the proposed delivery date
  • Please complete a Training Request Form online or submit the downloadable PDF provided below
  • State Administrative Agency (SAA) Training POC approval must be received prior to scheduling of the course delivery. Training scheduling processes vary by state.
  • Most NDPTC courses have a minimum participant requirement of 25 participants. If the number of participants does not meet the required minimum at three weeks prior to the delivery, we may, after discussion with the hosting agency, postpone or cancel the course delivery.
  • NDPTC's preference is to schedule at least two course deliveries in an area within the time that we are in the general area.
  • For select courses, the course location must be/ have internet access capabilities available to each participant, as all participants may need to access the internet simultaneously throughout the course.

Additionally NDPTC requests that hosting agencies be willing and able to:

  1. Provide a venue for the course training.
  2. Ensuring approval of the training from the State Administrative Agency (SAA) / State Training Point of Contact (SAA TPOC)
  3. Ensuring that the course delivery meets minimum participant requirements by agreed upon date. NDPTC will provide course delivery flyer(s) and can assist with outreach to a limited extent.
  4. Ensure that there is a point of contact for NDPTC instructors regarding scheduling an appointment to access the training facility the day before and the day of the course for setup.
    You can contact us directly at to request our Training Request form or you can create an account and submit online Training Request by clicking here
Can anyone sign up for training? I am a concerned citizen and do not have access to the SAA, can I still attend training?

Those of the community are welcome to register for and attend our NDPTC course delivery offerings. Our course deliveries are listed on our website- and they are constantly being updated. If you are interested in a course delivery offering in your local area, please create a NDPTC profile for online registration for the course and please complete the online pre-test prior to the course date. In certain cases our hosting agencies request our courses for a specific group of their choice. If there is a registration code initiated, you can contact us regarding a request to attend the course and we can forward your request to our hosting agency for final decision and approval.
NDPTC is a mobile training center, so if you are interested in a course and you are a part of an organization that you feel could benefit from our courses we can coordinate with you regarding scheduling a course delivery in your local area at your facility.
If you are not a U.S. Citizen, please contact NDPTC for a Foreign National Visitor Access Request form. This form needs to be completed, processed and approved for participation in our course deliveries. The form must be completed and submitted for approval 30-60 days prior to the course delivery. Once the form is completed you can forward the form to NDPTC- and we will submit the form for approval. Once a final decision is received, we will contact you.

Training Location

Do you have a training facility like the ones in Alabama, Nevada and New Mexico?

No. Many of the consortium members provide training that requires either hands-on participation or hazardous situations. For those reasons, their training must be done on-site. NDPTC does not have a physical training facility -- currently all courses are delivered at the host facility.

Do you provide resident training at your location?

No, not at this time. We have worked with several local host agencies to deliver courses in Hawai'i and the Pacific region. To arrange for delivery in your state, please contact your State Administrative Agency (SAA) or your organization's training point of contact (TPOC).

Training Cost

Is there any charge to attend training?

No. The cost of developing and delivering the training is covered by a cooperative agreement with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Does NDPTC cover the cost of travel or lodging if I need to come from another state?

We do NOT normally cover the cost of travel or lodging to attend training. We only cover the costs of travel and lodging for the trainers that we provide.

Login & Account Creation

Why are there two different login options?

NDPTC is part of the University of Hawai'i, therefore numerous UH faculty, staff, and students are engaged with the center. The UH Login was incorporated so that faculty, staff and students can utilize their existing UH Username and Password instead of having to establish and remember another set of login credentials. All other users external to the University of Hawai'i must use the Non-UH option which requires creating a username and password.

Why am I unable to login even though I created a profile?

New Non-UH Users are sent an email after they create their profile. The purpose of the email is to ensure the email address is valid, and that the user has access to that account. You must click the link within the email message to activate your account and finalize the user registration process. You will not be able to login otherwise.

Password Reset

Why is the password reset option only available for Non-UH users?

Allowing UH users to login with their university login credentials was provided for convenience since NDPTC is closely affiliated with the University of Hawai'i. However, UH usernames and passwords are used for many other purposes such as email and access to online financial and student systems. As such, the UH Web Login Service is managed centrally by UH's Information Technology Services (ITS) for all UH users. NDPTC has no control over the username or password.

For everyone else (Non-UH users), the username and password is stored in the NDPTC database. Therefore, access to modify that information is provided at the NDPTC website.

How do I update my password?

On the login page, in the "Unable to Login" section, enter your email address and click the Login Help button. You will receive an email response with specific instructions.

As a UH user, where can I update my password?

UH users may go to this website to update their password:

Registering for Courses

Do all courses require a code to register?

Registration codes are required because enrollment is controlled by the Host Agency. Typically the Host Agency has a designated group of people or staff that they are requesting the training for. Registration codes are provided to the Host Agency and they are responsible for distributing the code to their intended participants.

Are there any courses that are open to the general public to register for?

Our course deliveries are open to the community and are provided at no cost to participants. If you are interested in one of our courses, please visit our training calendar to view the courses that are upcoming in your local area. (NDPTC is unable to fund/reimburse for any travel expenses or other costs incurred by any participant to take our courses. All costs associated with attending a course delivery are the responsibility of the participant.)

I informed the Host Agency that I will be attending. Am I still required to register online?

Online registration is required, and also gives you access to the course Pre-Test (which must be taken prior to the class start date), and course materials such as the Participant Guide. Also, any pertinent information related to the course or from the instructor will be sent via email. We will not be able to communicate with you unless you register at our website.

Canceling Your Registration

I registered for a course but am no longer able to attend. What should I do?

If you registered but have not taken the online Pre-test, you may cancel your registration. On the My Courses page, select the appropriate course. On the Course Checklist page, there is an option called "Cancellations" - follow the instructions from there. Cancelling your registration will allow the Host Agency to fill the class, especially if there are participants on the wait list.

Note: If you already took the Pre-test, you will not be able to cancel your registration online. In this case, please inform either the Contact Person at the Host Agency, or inform us via email at

My Deliveries

What is the My Deliveries page?

The My Deliveries page is a consolidated list of all course activity to date. It contains all courses you registered for, are wait-listed for, or have completed and earned a Certificate of Completion for. It also contains courses that you registered for but did not complete.

I already completed a course, including the Pre-test, Post-test, and Evaluation. Why does the course still display in the "Current/Upcoming Deliveries" section?

Courses will remain under "Current/Upcoming" until the course officially closes. This is typically after all deadlines have passed. So while you may have completed the Course Evaluation before the deadline, the course doesn't officially close until the evaluation deadline has passed. Subsequently, all Participants will have access to their certificates at the same time.

What is a "Demo" or "Pilot" course?

All NDPTC courses must go through a specific process in order to receive FEMA certification. A "Demo" is the first delivery where a specific target audience is assembled to provide feedback on the course content, materials, and the instructor. Feedback is incorporated into the course and subsequently, the course is offered as a "Pilot". There are typically two pilot offerings before all course documentation is submitted to FEMA for certification.

Pre- and Post-Test

What is the Pre-Test?

The Pre-Test is a fairly short test that all participants must take prior to the start of the class. The purpose is to gauge the level of knowledge of the material that will be presented. A summary of Pre-test scores are provided to the instructor prior to the course start date. Both the Pre-test and Post-test are required for a participant to complete the course.

What happens if I don't take the Pre-Test online?

Since the Pre-test is required for all participants, if you do not take the test online, you will be required to take the test on paper prior to the start of the class. This may delay the class start time for all attendees as the instructor cannot begin teaching until all tests are submitted.

What is the Post-Test?

The Post-Test is a fairly short test that all participants must take at the end of the class. The purpose is to gauge the participants' knowledge of the material and to determine the effectiveness of the course and the instructor.
To complete a course, you must have submitted a Pre-test and you must score at least 70% or 80% if the course began on or after June 1, 2013 on the Post-Test.

What happens if I need to leave early and am unable to take the Post-Test in class?

It is up to the instructors discretion based on what parts of the course you would be missing.
If you are notified while in a course that you must leave early, if possible please inform the instructor at the next break of your name and explain your need to leave early. This will allow the instructors to forward the information to NDPTC and we will be able to determine if a post-test will be sent for later completion. If you are unable to inform an instructor of your departure prior to leaving, please email NDPTC- please include your name and location/name/date of the course with explanation of the situation and we will be able to determine if a post-test will be sent to you for later completion.
If you are unable to complete a course or you need proof of attendance while awaiting for your FEMA certificate to be issued, a certificate of attendance can be requested. To request a certificate of attendance please email NDPTC-

Is it possible to re-take the Pre-Test or the Post-Test?

The Pre-Test may be taken only once. If you scored below 70% on the Post-Test, you may re-take the test in order to earn a Certificate of Completion.