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PSR UTC Congress

Posted on March 21, 2022

Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center Congress

The University of Hawaii (UH), a member of the Pacific Southwest Region, University Transportation Center is hosting the PSR-UTC Congress. The Congress brings together member universities and colleges (USC, UCLA, UCI, UC Davis, UH, NAU, and PIMA CC) to discuss and present the latest research, activities, and programs being conducted by the centers.

The Congress is being hosted by the University of Hawaii, and the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center, and the theme this year is Lessons Learned in Vulnerability, Resilience, and Recovery.

Participants can join by Zoom, and the agenda is as follows

Monday, March 21, 2022


Meeting ID: 936 7669 8153

Passcode: 680177

9:00 Welcome and introduction

9:15 Hawai’ian blessing

9:30 PSR updates

9:45 Opening Keynote Speaker (Dr. Michael Bruno – Provost)

10:15 Session 1A Freight System Resilience

Tom O'Brien, Genevieve Giuliano, Ben Olsen

Building System Resiliency Through Freight Readiness and Competitiveness

11:00 Break

11:15 Session 1B Commuting

Marlon Boarnet (USC)

Differential responses of commutes across income groups and industries during COVID-19

Evelyn Blumenberg (UCLA)

Low-Wage Workers, Commute Distance, and Jobs-Housing Fit

12:00 Keynote Speaker – Mr. Jon Nouchi – Deputy Director City & County of Honolulu, Department of Transportation Services

Poster Session (Students)

1:00 Session 2A Transport Modes and Finance – Campus Center Ballroom

Ali Ghafelebashi (USC)

Incentive Systems for New Mobility Services

Ed Smaglik, Brendan Russo, and Steven Gehrke (NAU)

Spatial interactions of shared e-scooter trip generation and vulnerable road user crash frequency

DeVon Jennings (UCI)

Developing Structural Equational Models for Computer Rail while Analyzing Underlying Attitudes of the System

Debapriya Chakraorty (UC Davis)

Tolling lessons learned for road usage charge

Zakhary Mallet (USC)

Inequitable Inefficiency: A Case Study of Rail Transit Fare Policies

1:00 Session 2B Disasters and Resilience 1 - Campus Center Room 307 & 308


Meeting ID: 948 2036 5834

Passcode: 314103

Suwan Shen (UH)

Challenges to maintaining disaster relief supply chains in island communities: Disaster preparedness and response in Honolulu, Hawai’i

Fraser Shilling (UC Davis)

When Nature Bites Back: Disrupted Coastal Highway Travel with Sea Level Rise

Brian Taylor and Jacob Wasserman (UCLA)

Financial Resilience in a Pandemic: An Examination of Public Transit in (Southern) California

Shadi Saadeh (CSULB)

Performance of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavements Containing Recycled Waste Plastics

3:30 Session 3A Equity and Environmental Justice – Campus Center Ballroom


Meeting ID: 936 7669 8153

Passcode: 680177

Jacob Wasserman and Hao Ding (UCLA)

A Bus Home: Homelessness in Transit Environments

Aakansha Jain (UC Davis)

Obstructed mobility and lost connections: Historical account of racialized displacement caused by freeways in Northern California

Sarah McCullough (UC Davis)

Mobility Justice: A New Framework for Transportation

Sue Dexter (USC)

Visible fear: Accidents outweigh concerns over emissions for heavy-duty truck traffic in Southeast Los Angeles communities

3:30 Session 3B Disasters and Resilience 2 – Campus Center Room 307 & 308


Meeting ID: 948 2036 5834

Passcode: 314103

Miguel Jaller (UC Davis)

Resilience assessment framework for last mile operations under disruptions

Farnaz Kaviari (UH)

Simulating the spread of COVID-19 Using Agent Based Modeling

Dave Marasco (UH)

The Nature of Planning – A look at Green Infrastructure in the U.S. and Japan

Ratul Debnath (UH)

The Effects of COVID-19 on Mobility in Hawaii

5:30 End of Day

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


Meeting ID: 936 7669 8153

Passcode: 680177

9:00 Student award presentations - Campus Center Ballroom

10:00 Student Discussion (Students and Faculty) – Campus Center Ballroom

11:45 Break

12:00 Closing remarks – Campus Center Ballroom